Wednesday, January 28, 2009

School's out...poor, sad, children

Well, I am at home today. I have almost never wished for anything so hard. I know it was a selfish wish/prayer. (I think I didn't think this was worthy of a prayer this morning when I was hoping for it.) It just meant that I wanted to be a slug today no matter what.

I strained my neck and my blurry eyes to see our small TV screen in our room to see if my district would be closed today. Finally right before 6 AM it came across the screen. Marshall County Schools......closed today. "Yee Haw!" is what went through my mind....and "thank you, Lord."

I love my job. I really do. There is just something about staying in your pj's and being a slug sometimes that is very enticing.

I can almost see the faces of my students. I know they were overjoyed when they got the news that we were out today.

Well, I hope you all are having a blessed week.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The days of our life....s

OK...that was a reference to Waiting for Guffman. Did anyone recognize it? If you did, comment and whomever (are you impressed with my correct English grammar usage?) guesses it will be mailed a happy. (Hint: it happened when the mom was talking about her son being in a movie.) It is very obscure, so you will have to be very strange to get it.

Speaking of strange. This is such a strange time of year because so many things are coming up. This is like hibernation time. It is cold, so no fun in the yard, etc.

Several workshops and conferences are coming up in February, April and March, but not yet. My choir is getting ready for contest in Feb. and March. We are waiting on all of our W2's to finish our taxes. Weird time of year. I guess in a way it is good because we run so hard and so fast at the end of each year until Christmas and then it is time to coast a little. I need to enjoy the coasting. I am getting a little antsy, because I am really wanting to go on some mission trips, etc. soon. I want to be doing more. I don't want to say that I am bored, but I just feel like there is more yet to come. I miss singing with Matt like we have in the past, and we get to do that soon at a revival in March. I have read about others who are waiting for their adopted children to come home to them and now I guess I have waiting sympathy. Oh...not on that scale of importance, but I am also waiting for next Sunday for the Super Bowl.

God is so good. His mercies are new every morning, so I am going to start focusing on what new He has to show me today and everyday.

For now, though, it is Sunday afternoon and I am on my way to put on my new fuzzy pajama pants that I got for Christmas. They are incredible. The are like wearing a blanket. I am going to sleep. Sleep for maybe 2 hours. Crazy, I know.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mamaw, Mamaw, Mamaw

(These pictures are totally unrelated....I just like them.)

Wow. It is interesting how things work sometimes. God's timing is so perfect. We have the best example of a servant in front of us.

Mamaw, Matt's mom, retired January 2nd. She got a little time to visit with her sister and then I asked her to come and take the boys to the dentist today. I asked her to come because she has always had to work while my mom was already retired and loved getting (I guess she loved....she looked happy anyway. Hmmm....) to come and be with the kids at different times when we needed her. Mamaw always had to work. She worked really hard for so many years.

This past week her sweet daddy fell and broke his hip and has been in the hospital. Her mom isn't really able to do everything for him and gets tired easily, so Mamaw packed up and has gone there. I know she was really thankful to be able to be off to be able to help them, but I know she is tired. So giving. Please pray for them and for her taking care of them.

All of our elementary kids loaded up and went to our high school to watch a junior varsity game. They were so pumped. This gave me a little break from the norm. Monday we have off for Martin Luther King, Jr.'s b-day and then Tuesday we are watching the inauguration. Wednesday we will get back to real school.

Anyway, now for a random thought. It is my house. What is up with that? This is Mississippi. It is supposed to be one of the two coldest days this year. Tomorrow is the other one.

Another random comment: I wish my Bsafe filter didn't mess up Facebook. I have had fun seeing people I haven't seen in forever and talking with them. I can only do this if I uninstall the filter. Argg! I am going to have to figure out something different.

A serious comment: Focus on the Family has been great the past few days (like it is all the time...). I am processing the shows earlier this week that were about "Never Say Diet". I am in denial about my weight right now. Not really, I mean, I am enjoying doing Wii Fit when I have time to get on it. the eating issue is not even on the radar right now. It is so tough being disciplined enough to do it. This is true in many areas of my life. Discipline is tough. I am more of a comfort person. I guess that also means spoiled. Does it count if you know that is true? Maybe. Anyway, I am working on it (with God's help...that is the only way.)

Hope the rest of your weeks are great.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My eyes are heavy

I have been waiting for this night all week. I think we don't have anywhere we have to be tomorrow. Ahhhhhhh.....................
To get some sleep and then clean the house, and maybe even get on Wii Fit, will be great. I know it is going to fuss at me for not being able to get on it very much this week. I can't tell it that I had basketball duty this week and a million other things. I don't think the little computer brain will understand.
This has been a whirlwind week. Matt has started teaching guitar lessons again. He has been very blessed to get more students. This does mean, however, that he will be busier. It all manages to work out, though. I just got home after falling asleep outside the movie theater waiting for Matthew to get through with his movie. Exciting, huh? I am living a much different life than I did the first time I lived in Oxford almost 20 years ago. I was 18.
I love where I am in life now, though. I love seeing what God is doing in the lives of my husband, my kids and myself. Anyway.....this is beginning to be too deep for me right now. My bed and maybe Charlie Chan in Paris are calling me. I don't think I will see much of it before I sack out. Take care.....

Monday, January 5, 2009

My sweet husband taking care of the details

Matt was trying to understand why these candles didn't look like they were burning. He finally discussed it with the preachers. It bothered him.
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I am trying to figure out what these teenagers are doing......

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Nana and Chuck's wedding

Saturday was great. Mom was so happy, and it was great to see her that way. Chuck was pretty happy, too. I am really thankful that they found each other. Our family had a good time hanging out together at the wedding and then Uncle Ron took the kids to get a Wii game.

Like my friend Amber would say...."Good times....."

Take care and have a great week. Is it Friday yet? My body is not accustomed to waking up like it did this morning. Mercy!

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

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Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009

Here are some of the good times we had this holiday. It has been wonderful. Today is the first day of 2009 and I am pretty emotional. My precious grandmother passed away early this morning. She had lived a long, wonderful life and was ready to go. I hate how these past few years have been because she had to move to a nursing home close to my uncle and away from us. I have missed her so much. I am glad that she won't suffer anymore, but can't believe that she is gone. My dad and her oldest son passed away years ago, as well as her husband, many many years ago. She always missed them and couldn't believe that she lived longer than they did. Now she doesn't have to wait. My kids called her G.G. for greatgrandmother. I know they aren't going to take this well. God bless you guys. Hug the people you love today.

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