Saturday, December 27, 2008

Everyone left unscathed

Well, Christmas was wonderful. We had 11 people in our home spending the night and it was great. I think everyone had room. Our moms slept up in Matthew's room with our younger three children. The kids were beside themselves. They drew names to see who would sleep with whom. One (lucky/unlucky) person who drew the couch "had" to sleep by themselves. Hmmmm.

Santa brought a few various happies, but the big present was the Wii from our moms. They went together and got a Wii and Wii fit with some other games. It is totally awesome. I had no idea it could be so much fun. Matt is back on Wii Fit skiiing right now. I have actually broken a sweat for the first time in a while. (OK, I am badly out of shape.) I acknowledge that. We did have a few brave souls who would get on the Wii Fit and do the body test in front of everyone. It checks your BMI, etc.

I did mine yesterday after everyone left. is super cool. Very motivating. I have done yoga, balancing games like hula hoop, etc. skiiing, running with Matt, etc. Oh, I forgot step. I am in love. I have a pretty cute trainer, too. I was a little jealous when Matt picked the computer lady to be his trainer, so I picked the dude. (I am kidding....well, not really.) I call him Richard Simmons. We do yoga together.

My balance has gotten better since yesterday. I can tell. I also feel muscles that I forgot I had. My "core" is a little more toned. :)

Here are some pics:

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