Well, it's the big day. My husband is in our room watching the Super Bowl pre-game shows. I would like to watch the game, but we aren't going to be at home. Today seems so strange. It is rainy, Mamaw just brought B and J home from staying at her house this weekend, so they weren't with us for church this morning. Claire went to the Hannah Montana concert movie and spent the night for a friend's birthday party. Matthew just got home later last night from being at a band clinic at Northwest C.C. It was like we had children in shifts, never at the same time.
I spent way too much time yesterday morning looking for Honda Odyssey's to buy (as my house shows) before Claire and I went shopping for her friend's birthday present and I took her to the party. Matt was gone to practice with a student he is taking to try-out for honor choir tomorrow. We were gone before he got home. Then I rushed home to be at a choir party by 5:00. The weather has been so crazy that it kind of puts you in a daze. I am a person who loves the sun. Oh, It was sunny yesterday, though, I forgot. See how weird it has been?
Mom is still in rehab. Not sure about when I will be going to stay with her. She'll be coming home on Thursday, we think. I am trying to time going to Jackson with doing Dr. Seuss day at Claire's school and buying a van when I go to Jackson. Maybe. There is a man there who is looking for what we want in a van, and will let us know when he finds one.
My mind is on so many things now. I have a student who is going through such a tough time at home. She has been having a lot of problems with her mom. I am praying that I will be able to be used to be a witness to them. We are also getting ready for the 4th through 6th grade musical (as you know) and are getting costumes, etc. ready. This is always a strange time because you build up to the musical and just hope it all goes well. Such a balancing act of meeting deadlines and being a counselor to the kids in your class at the same time.
I am not sure which students will go to district contest in choir. We will know this week who is eligible, grade wise. There are some I will leave because they don't know their parts and/or aren't trying, or are being a distraction.
There are so many things these kids have against them from day one. I want to be one of the ones who inspires them that there can be a better life for them. That they can do a good job at something and have pride in themselves. Why do they make some of the choices that they make? I think in a way, that they are just doing what they know to do. They don't know another way.
Sorry for rambling. I am kind of mellow today. Today in church I sang a Nichole Nordeman song called "Legacy". This song is so true to how I feel. I just want to make my life stand for what matters. That when I die, I will known as someone who loved people and pointed to God. That His Son, Jesus, has a new life for anyone who will call on His name.
Well. Claire just got home. She stayed up till 3:00 this morning last night so I need to guide her to her bed to take a nap. Jacob has the most dejected look on his face because he just got home and now he is supposed to rest in his room, too. Well, I better get out of the den. Everyone is coming in here asking if they can get up. I better hide.
I pray that you all have a great week. Take care.
Old school
Hey there.
Just a little update.
I went ahead and moved this girl from Etsy to Ebay.
Which felt really weird, as I have not listed there in years!
8 years ago
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