Friday, July 6, 2007

Camp II

I am so excited. I couldn't remember one of the songs we sang in worship at Centri-kids. I was looking and found a pdf file with all of the songs. What a great resource! Now we might be able to do some of these for worship soon. Yeah!! You can click on the title or the picture to go to the site.

I remembered two "pokey little puppy" stories from this week. We call them "Pokey Little Puppy" stories because Benjamin is like the PLP in that he doesn't say much (around most people) but he ususally finds something cool and then everyone around him wants to do what he is doing.

#1. He LOVES coke floats. In the cafeteria, B started going and getting a glass, filling it with ice cream and then coke. Yep, everyone saw what he was doing and started doing it. :)
#2. During our last night of camp right before we went into the dorms, B started rolling down this big hill. He did it by himself for a while, then slowly but surely, kids started to do it. He stopped and stood back and watched. I think he was really proud. He is hilarious that way.

Anyways, (my Nacho Libre reference) B and I leave this morning for Jackson, MS. We are going to get our family and bring them home tomorrow. :)

Hope to see a lot of our moms while we are there. Matt can't come to the reunion tomorrow because he has so much to do for school, but we may still go, or just be with Mamaw and G'ma dn G'pa this next weekend (if they will let us :) ). Not sure yet.

Just found out school starts for me August 2nd. This year it is actually the same for Matt and me. At least that doesn't sound as bad as Aug. 1st.

We gotta get a lot more summer in before them....oh yea!

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