So much has happened since my last update that I will not even try to completely catch up. The school year has basically ended and summer is in sight!! I have one more day with students and three teacher days.
First I want to thank everyone for all of the sweet wishes, cards, presents and presence at my 40th birthday party. I was overwhelmed that Matt did so much to make my birthday special. I could write a long time about the lengths he went to to be sneaky....including having my realtor call me to set up an "appointment" and having my own mother pretend to neglect me. :) It was wonderful!!
As summer approaches, we are trying to get ahead by planning our upcoming youth/school/family activities.
Our first big thing is our church's upcoming VBS that will happen June 13th through 17th at Taylor BC near Oxford. This is the first time that Matt and I will be directors of VBS. I am understating it to say that organization is not our spiritual gift. Nevertheless, God has given us this place and we won't question why. :)
We have several other things going on with our youth and church family throughout June and July. In between all of this I am really looking forward to spending time with our families.
We're not really sure yet what our exact direction will be next year, but God has blessed Matt with his guitar lessons so much that he could really do that full time. It is all in His hands. I am, again, fighting my impulse to worry. : )
I guess that is about all for now. Matt is coming to school to help me build cubbies in my choir room tomorrow. Take care and God bless.
Old school
Hey there.
Just a little update.
I went ahead and moved this girl from Etsy to Ebay.
Which felt really weird, as I have not listed there in years!
8 years ago