Friday, November 19, 2010

Jones Family Circus, long time no see.....

It has been a while since I have blogged.  Life and facebook have cut into my time.  It is amazing to me how things change in life.  It is so easy to wake up and realize that you have taken the routine for granted.  This has been the most surreal year.  

First, Matthew left for MC and really hasn't been home because of football games, etc.  For years we were together with no thought at all of things ever being different, and then he left.  I am so happy that he is having a great time at school, but it is still strange with him not being home.  We miss his face.  It will be so great to see him Tuesday.   

We were in a transition with jobs, churches, etc. and then God led us to a wonderful group of people at Taylor BC.  It has been such a blessing to work with the youth and see our old friends. 

This school year has been so much better than last year, but still so tough.  I know God has put me there for a reason, but it is so hard for my personality to be tough enough to be a strong teacher.  Even with the best intentions, it is still not good enough.  If anyone ever needed Thanksgiving break, it was me, now.  So very frustrating.  I get overwhelmed and then disappoint myself when I lose my temper and don't behave like I want to. 

So, today is the first day of Thanksgiving holidays.  I am going to soak up every bit of  this break.  2010 is about over.  I know God has a plan for our family for Matt finding a full-time job and us settling down.  I am going to remember my trust in Him as we go through this time.  He is going to take care of us.  

I guess I need to remember that all things do work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.  That is such a comforting thing.  Even in our failures, He loves us completely and no less.  Thank goodness we can't earn His love.  We already have it. 

Now Matt is in here playing jazz guitar Christmas music. Ahhhh..................
Great end to the evening.  Take care, everybody.  I pray that you will know that comfort of knowing God and walking with Him. 

Have a great Thanksgiving!!


Friday, October 1, 2010

Benny's latest

I am loving Benjamin's latest artwork. He has always loved sharks and sharks being not so nice to people.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Interesting times.....

This has been just about the strangest year of my life.  It is like God is just saying wait a while on.....something.  I know that He is in total control and I trust Him, but am ready to find where we are supposed to be and get busy.  Maybe that is what is going on.  Maybe He is just letting me get so excited about serving Him....wherever.  I see and hear about so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ being busy serving God in different places and in different ways.  It feels good in a way to know that I didn't go to church or try to serve God because Matt was on staff as worship leader, but because I really do love God and really do want to lead others to Him.  That, God has made very clear to me. 

Along these is tough finding the right place to serve God right now.  This is a huge compliment to the churches in Oxford.  There are so many great churches that are loving people and are preaching His word.  We could go to just about any of these churches.  Right now, Matthew has really gotten plugged in at North Oxford BC.  We have visited there and it is great.  We also have gone to the Orchard, and have loved it.  They are different, but are both great.  We also visited Grace and First Baptist.  All great. 

We have great friends at all of these churches and could just about see ourselves at any.  We are ready to get involved, though, so please pray for us as we seek God in this.  Please pray for us, also, about career directions.  Matt has a real heart for leading worship, but he also loves teaching.  He had always had the dream to lead worship full-time.  He has opportunities in teaching, but God hasn't opened any doors as far as worship leading full-time.  It may just not be the right season.  We have loved going to home fellowship with a group of folks from FB and Grace.  It has been great worshipping and studying the Bible in this small setting.  

April and May are going to be full for our family starting off with Jacob's birthday on April 2.  Then Matt is going to be busy getting his guitar and choir concerts together.  After all of those, I have concerts, etc. at my school, and then Matthew has all of his graduation activities.  He and Benjamin will also have their band concerts.  Whew! 

I am excited about what God is doing in our lives and what I see Him doing in our friends' lives around the world.  He is so awesome!  My job has been a huge blessing and I am looking forward to see what is coming in the future.  God bless.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Update 2/1/10

So much has happened since my last post.  I think last time it was almost November and we were getting ready for the Thanksgiving feast at North Oxford.  Well, that all went great, as did Christmas.  The Christmas musical at New Prospect went great.  So many working together.  Christmas was such a blessing, too.  As always.  God reveals Himself in a new way each year, it seems.  The story of Him being born in a manger may seem redundant, etc., but when you think about what it all really means and you have a relationship with Him, it is awesome! 

New Year's was great, too.  So much good family time.  Over Christmas holidays I also made a change.  God just dropped a new job in my lap.  I found out about Batesville Junior High needing a new choral director.  I made a call and met the principal.  It worked out great and I have been there a month now.  It was tough leaving my little people.  It tore me up calling my boss and telling her, but I knew there was a reason God was moving me.  I would soon find out.

We don't always understand it, but God also closes doors.  We are no longer at New Prospect BC where we had been for 3 years.  Leaving there was unlike anything I had experienced.  It was, sadly, messy and I don't think it pleased God too much, but I just have to trust that it was all in His plan.  Even though it hurt incredibly, and the church just thinks that our family "left", I know it will all be OK.  I do have a certain peace about it.  I just can't think about the church right now without getting pretty bitter.  Especially when we were there for 3 years and have barely talked to the people there except a select few.  I guess it is just too awkward for most to approach us.  Maybe they just don't care.  ???

I know this will ease in time.  We have been able to go to my mom's in Jackson and go to church with her, though. (something we couldn't do while on staff) We have also visited North Oxford and are going to FB on Wednesday nights to take the kids to Awana.  Who knows where we will end up.  We are planning on visiting our friend's church, The Orchard, really soon, too.  We'll see. 

I am so thankful that God has given me a family that I love and loves me and the ability to love the people I come in contact.  He has given me a job that lets me work with kids and share His love with them.  It's all good! 

Well, that's all for now.  Hope you are all doing well. 

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