Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Benjamin!!

Benjamin is our now 12 year old. Today is his big day. It seems like he always gets the shaft when it comes to his birthday. Like something out of the ordinary is happening and he doesn't get to have just a normal, go out to eat....sing, eat cake, open presents, etc. birthday. Many years ago his brother, Matthew, had an appendectomy on B's birthday, a couple of years after that, or it may have been the next year, Hurricane Katrina came through Mississippi and he spent his b-day in the dark with candles. This b-day his mom is being a dud and is puny in the bed. (Well, now at the computer, because I was going completely stir crazy).

Well, thank goodness we had a birthday party at the Skate Place last weekend for his birthday. He always envisions having a family "party" too. His dad has made his day now, though. He has just taken B and Jacob to Wal-mart to buy Nerf swords so they can fight to their hearts' content for the rest of the night. A birthday cake is going to come in there sometime, too. Happy Birthday, Benjamin!! We love you!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Life is good

Sometimes we think we know what is best for us and we frequently find out later that we really don't have a clue. Well, we may have a small clue, but then we talk ourselves out of it, or rationalize that surely we couldn't be right.

Following God and trying to just rest in Him is tough sometimes. Well, most of the time it is hard to not trust our own instincts. We get used to thinking about what we "need" to be able to make it. Well, I have been interviewing and applying for jobs with the thought in the back of my mind that God might have wanted something more simple for me than to be in a fast-paced job with a contract and more income. As much as I have wanted to just provide for my family, I think my purpose right now might be to provide in a different way. After the kids and Matt being back at school for two days, I don't know how we made it with me driving 1 1/2 hours a day and planning, being gone for programs, etc.

I know God kept us sane during that time, but made us tired enough to know that there was something different for us. Are we going to realize that peace in our family is more important than more money? I hope so. I don't know if I am going to get a job tomorrow or in 5 years, but I know that God has us in the palm of His hand.

Take care.....

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