Saturday, June 27, 2009


Well, Matt and I said goodbye to my old friend that has been around for several years, We decided that we didn't need to spend the money on the site since it has gotten so little traffic over the years.

I do have to admit that I have been very blessed by a few people saying that they were blessed by the site, but it has been very few people. We just thought that maybe we should focus on getting out and singing more before we get another website. Not a lot of need for it now and we can always keep people informed through this blog.

I have put so much time into the site that it feels very strange to let it go. I do think it makes sense, though. Anyway.......

This past week has been wild. I met the kids at Nana's almost two weeks ago to help her with the guys. Matt came down on Friday to get ready to lead worship at Park Place on Father's Day. We really enjoyed the sermons we heard by their new pastor, Keith Grubbs. They were on wisdom and were great. God really taught me a lot through them.

Then....Monday we met the other adults and kids from our church at Central Hills Baptist Retreat for kids camp. Monday through Wednesday. So funny that the adults who went on the same trip with the youth were bored some of the time. They had a lot of free-time. We went everywhere the kids went and walked about 100 miles. The kids had a blast and two of our boys asked Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior. One of the boys was my Jacob. So, you know that I love the camp.

I was kind of waiting to pass-out on the trip from the heat and all of the walking and...the fact that I am not in the best shape at this time in my life. I never did and I actually climbed the rock wall and went down the zip-line. Of course the guys working their probably gave me a few extra boosts to get up the wall, but I was happy.

We got home Wednesday and were so glad to rest. Matthew found out that he made a 30 on the ACT that he took a few weeks ago. Yea!! Then on Friday Matthew got his driver's license. A lot is happening for him lately. Tomorrow he leaves for Camp Electric in Nashville. He is so excited. I would have died to have gone to a camp like that in high school. It is for worship leaders and bands. They are going to work with a lot of people in the Christian music industry. Fun!! They also get to hear big bands in concert at night.

As for me....I am kind of still and quiet and thinking about my second interview Thursday for a position in the Oxford School District. I am praying about it and know if that is where God wants me then I will be going there. I also applied for a job at Ole Miss, so we'll see. Who knows.....

Tomorrow is the Lord's day and I am so ready to rest in Him and worship. It will be so great to be back at our home church. I feel like we haven't been there in a month.

Blessings to you guys................

Monday, June 1, 2009

Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Blogger, Hostbaby, it too much? Nah.

I am thinking to myself. How much time is reasonable for one to spend on the computer? What do you think? Is it a fun little outlet that connects you to your friends and family? I think so. Can one spend too much time on these websites? I think so. I guess it is just like anything else. All things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial.

I sure like being able to see people who, because of the way our world is, I have lost touch with. I love to see what these people are up to and to hear their thoughts about life.

Do I think I need to say no to most of the quizzes, etc.? For me...probably so because I could get a little too into them. Spend a little too much time on them. Is is totally fun to farm on facebook? I think so. Can one get consumed by sending their friends fruit trees? I think maybe so.

I remember my dad staying up late at night programming on the computer. It was a sight I got used to. I also remember wanting him to stop and talk to me or play with me. I need to remember that. Computer programming was his career. It's not mine. I have loved creating our website, but I probably should admit that I have spent time on it that I could have used on other things. I prayed yesterday that God would set my family on fire for Him. That we would be sold out and seeking how He can use us. Before I beat myself up about being on the computer too much I will remember that this can be used for God's glory, too. Because this is where people are a lot, I will use the time I am on to be a light for Him. To point people to Him. Otherwise, this time could be wasted. Not that a little wasted time is not OK, but too much would be sad.

OK, I have rambled enough. See you around on facebook....the short time in the day that I am on. :)

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