Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First official night of Awana

Tonight is the first night of Awana at my church in Oxford. I am pretty amazed at how much work has been done to bring this all together. My pastor and his wife have bent over backwards to see this happen. This is something that our church really needed and that I am already seeing being a huge tool to reach out to the other kids in our area.

My computer was being crazy last night, so I have to finish my powerpoint for tonight, now. I know it will come together, but I am a little anxious.

Please keep us in your prayers as we attempt this tonight. It is all for God's glory. Phil. 4:13

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What a gorgeous day!

The sun looks so gorgeous outside and coming in through our windows. It has rained so much lately that I almost forgot what bright sun looked like. We needed the rain, I am not complaining, but we got a lot of it.

This week has been wild, but really good. We began revival services at our church on Sunday morning. The preacher, P.J. Scott, has been great. I have learned so much from him, already. Tonight is our last night. He has preached on so much that has been on my heart for awhile. How our churches need to change to actually be a place where outsiders would even want to come and join. That our churches have become a closed society. My heart has been breaking for feeling like I didn't have the resources to reach the people around me. There has also been a staggering fear that it would just be too overwhelming to try to invest enough time into the lost people around me when I have a family of 6 who need me. I have let myself be complacent. Even though I was disappointed with myself, I just kept going and passing people and praying that maybe they would meet someone else that could reach them.

I have been praying about how God could use me and being disgusted that I felt like my using my gifts at church alone was a cop out and not what I needed to be doing. Ministering to Christians who, I know, need lots of ministering to, but at the same time feeling like I was meant to reach this dying world. Well, not all me, but I hope you know what I mean. At least the part that I am supposed to reach. I get down so easily. It is my temperament. I really have to fight not getting depressed about this all. One thing I really realized is that I have been trying to do all of this in my own strength. I think I have been afraid of asking God for His strength because I know He would give it to me and then I would have to get out of my comfort zone.

I have to remember that the entire Christian walk is with Christ's strength. That is the only way it is possible to please God. That is one thing that seperates us from other religions. We depend on Christ. Depend. We are desperate for Him. I know that my "self" is so weak and pitiful on my own. I have to be filled with the Spirit to do anything that He is calling me to do. Yes, it may sound like He is one big crutch. Well, He is and He is supposed to be.

My goal for the rest of this year is to start by at least contacting my neighbors. Inviting them to church. Inviting them into our home. Getting outside our comfort zone.

I have to be honest. Asking God to totally take over my life is very scary. He may want me to give up some things that I have made myself dependent on. He is so worth it all. It is about walking with Him and fellowshipping with Him. Being a part of what He is doing. He will bless us with letting us actually be a part of His work.

Take care,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am trying something new

OK, I have just started calculating how much I am paying ebay to sell my items and discovered that there is another up-and-coming business that is similar to ebay, but whose fees are much lower, etc. It is not an auction site, but instead a storefront, or "booth" like they call it. I only pay if I sell anything. Here is the link if you are interested. Maybe it could help you out, too. Now, I have to get a life and do some house work. :)
Have a great day!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Benjamin!!

Benjamin is our now 12 year old. Today is his big day. It seems like he always gets the shaft when it comes to his birthday. Like something out of the ordinary is happening and he doesn't get to have just a normal, go out to eat....sing, eat cake, open presents, etc. birthday. Many years ago his brother, Matthew, had an appendectomy on B's birthday, a couple of years after that, or it may have been the next year, Hurricane Katrina came through Mississippi and he spent his b-day in the dark with candles. This b-day his mom is being a dud and is puny in the bed. (Well, now at the computer, because I was going completely stir crazy).

Well, thank goodness we had a birthday party at the Skate Place last weekend for his birthday. He always envisions having a family "party" too. His dad has made his day now, though. He has just taken B and Jacob to Wal-mart to buy Nerf swords so they can fight to their hearts' content for the rest of the night. A birthday cake is going to come in there sometime, too. Happy Birthday, Benjamin!! We love you!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Life is good

Sometimes we think we know what is best for us and we frequently find out later that we really don't have a clue. Well, we may have a small clue, but then we talk ourselves out of it, or rationalize that surely we couldn't be right.

Following God and trying to just rest in Him is tough sometimes. Well, most of the time it is hard to not trust our own instincts. We get used to thinking about what we "need" to be able to make it. Well, I have been interviewing and applying for jobs with the thought in the back of my mind that God might have wanted something more simple for me than to be in a fast-paced job with a contract and more income. As much as I have wanted to just provide for my family, I think my purpose right now might be to provide in a different way. After the kids and Matt being back at school for two days, I don't know how we made it with me driving 1 1/2 hours a day and planning, being gone for programs, etc.

I know God kept us sane during that time, but made us tired enough to know that there was something different for us. Are we going to realize that peace in our family is more important than more money? I hope so. I don't know if I am going to get a job tomorrow or in 5 years, but I know that God has us in the palm of His hand.

Take care.....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ripley's Believe it or Not in Gatlinburg

There is a lot more to come from our trip to G'burg, but here is a start. On Tuesday, the kids wanted to go to the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum on the strip. Here is a pic of them in the "Big" chair. There was a lot in there I could have definitely lived without seeing, but now they can say they went. :) Now the kids are on their way with Mamaw's to meet up with Nana. Matt heads to his guitar workshop in Atlanta on Sunday and I am meeting the family at Lake Tiak O' Khata on Sunday for the Brantley reunion.
I can't believe there are only a couple of weeks left of summer.

Take care....
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Off to the mountains

I am packing away. Tomorrow we are off to Gatlinburg. Hope you all have a great week!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My family is trying to kill me.....

I am not going to name any names because I love my entire family and don't want to shame any of them, but..................

Halfway through my breakfast I glanced into my orange juice and this was what I saw. No matter what I have done...this is just wrong. I did not pour the orange juice this morning. There are only two other people who were awake for breakfast........Hmmmmm.

I am going to start sleeping with one eye open. Have a blessed day


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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer 1/2 Over

Today has been kind of an odd day. We had church and then the kick-off for VBS which starts tomorrow night. I stayed at church for a while this afternoon to help decorate and then took a long nap when we got home. We aren't having church tonight so I am thinking about buying some fireworks and doing a do-over for July 4th. Not sure about grilling again, but you never know. One can't have too much red meat...well, actually, I'm sure one can, but you know what I mean.

What has been up?
Thursday we got Matthew back home from Camp Electric. He had a great time and learned a lot. Met lots of rockers from all over the USA. Really funny to hear all of his stories. Now he is an alum so he gets to pay a lot less to go this next year. Yea! He got to hang out with some of the guys in Pillar and other groups and actually got to have Red's set list from the concert they did at camp. He also had them all sign his shoes. He was pumped.

I am excited about VBS. I am basically just going to be helping. I didn't sign up to teach a class. I will just be jumping around and doing the music, etc.

After VBS we are heading to Gatlinburg with Mamaw for a couple of days. She rented a cabin which looks awesome! Except, we were looking at its picture and there was a black bear in one of them. I guess I forgot about this part about the mountains.

I can't believe summer is half over. It has been good in a lot of ways and just surreal in so many others. Grandpa passing away still hasn't totally hit me yet. That was not a good thing at all except for him. He was suffering so much at the end. He was so special and is so missed, but is so much a part of who we are that he won't be forgotten. Grandma is being so strong and Mamaw being there with her has been wonderful. I hope I am that kind of daughter to my moms. I also pray that I have that same kind of daughter when I am in her position. Judy is such a sweetheart. The boys and Matt got to be with them yesterday to grill and hang out. I stayed home with sick Matthew and Claire. We didn't want to share our cold.

I am still not sure what I will be doing next year (job-wise). I am really praying about it. I know God had a reason for my not going back to my school, but I am still not sure what that is. We'll see in time, won't we?

Hope you all have a very blessed week!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Well, Matt and I said goodbye to my old friend that has been around for several years, We decided that we didn't need to spend the money on the site since it has gotten so little traffic over the years.

I do have to admit that I have been very blessed by a few people saying that they were blessed by the site, but it has been very few people. We just thought that maybe we should focus on getting out and singing more before we get another website. Not a lot of need for it now and we can always keep people informed through this blog.

I have put so much time into the site that it feels very strange to let it go. I do think it makes sense, though. Anyway.......

This past week has been wild. I met the kids at Nana's almost two weeks ago to help her with the guys. Matt came down on Friday to get ready to lead worship at Park Place on Father's Day. We really enjoyed the sermons we heard by their new pastor, Keith Grubbs. They were on wisdom and were great. God really taught me a lot through them.

Then....Monday we met the other adults and kids from our church at Central Hills Baptist Retreat for kids camp. Monday through Wednesday. So funny that the adults who went on the same trip with the youth were bored some of the time. They had a lot of free-time. We went everywhere the kids went and walked about 100 miles. The kids had a blast and two of our boys asked Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior. One of the boys was my Jacob. So, you know that I love the camp.

I was kind of waiting to pass-out on the trip from the heat and all of the walking and...the fact that I am not in the best shape at this time in my life. I never did and I actually climbed the rock wall and went down the zip-line. Of course the guys working their probably gave me a few extra boosts to get up the wall, but I was happy.

We got home Wednesday and were so glad to rest. Matthew found out that he made a 30 on the ACT that he took a few weeks ago. Yea!! Then on Friday Matthew got his driver's license. A lot is happening for him lately. Tomorrow he leaves for Camp Electric in Nashville. He is so excited. I would have died to have gone to a camp like that in high school. It is for worship leaders and bands. They are going to work with a lot of people in the Christian music industry. Fun!! They also get to hear big bands in concert at night.

As for me....I am kind of still and quiet and thinking about my second interview Thursday for a position in the Oxford School District. I am praying about it and know if that is where God wants me then I will be going there. I also applied for a job at Ole Miss, so we'll see. Who knows.....

Tomorrow is the Lord's day and I am so ready to rest in Him and worship. It will be so great to be back at our home church. I feel like we haven't been there in a month.

Blessings to you guys................

Monday, June 1, 2009

Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Blogger, Hostbaby, it too much? Nah.

I am thinking to myself. How much time is reasonable for one to spend on the computer? What do you think? Is it a fun little outlet that connects you to your friends and family? I think so. Can one spend too much time on these websites? I think so. I guess it is just like anything else. All things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial.

I sure like being able to see people who, because of the way our world is, I have lost touch with. I love to see what these people are up to and to hear their thoughts about life.

Do I think I need to say no to most of the quizzes, etc.? For me...probably so because I could get a little too into them. Spend a little too much time on them. Is is totally fun to farm on facebook? I think so. Can one get consumed by sending their friends fruit trees? I think maybe so.

I remember my dad staying up late at night programming on the computer. It was a sight I got used to. I also remember wanting him to stop and talk to me or play with me. I need to remember that. Computer programming was his career. It's not mine. I have loved creating our website, but I probably should admit that I have spent time on it that I could have used on other things. I prayed yesterday that God would set my family on fire for Him. That we would be sold out and seeking how He can use us. Before I beat myself up about being on the computer too much I will remember that this can be used for God's glory, too. Because this is where people are a lot, I will use the time I am on to be a light for Him. To point people to Him. Otherwise, this time could be wasted. Not that a little wasted time is not OK, but too much would be sad.

OK, I have rambled enough. See you around on facebook....the short time in the day that I am on. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Keeping my cool

Well, I'm not doing this so well. No, really, I am OK but so many unknowns right now are really making me make myself give our lives to God over and over and over. Every time I want to worry, I just tell myself to snap out of it and then I tell God thank you for being so constant and my protector and provider and just basically everything to me. He is so good, there is never any reason to worry.

I know that is all so vague.

I have 3 more days of school. The kids are at Mamaw's for the weekend having a good time. They may stay for Memorial Day, or we may go down and join them for a cook-out.

I have been listening to so many good sermons online lately. Andy Stanley at Northpoint just finished a series on "Staying in Love". It is so good. I highly recommend it. :)

Well, I am going to stop being a slug and get out into the real world and off of this computer.
Blessings to you....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Winding Down

It is glorious. It is lovely. It is precious. It is beautiful.
It is the end of school.
I basically have no more days with students. I will see some of them around school, but my time of preparing lessons for them is over for this school year. My last program was last night. The 3rd graders did a patriotic program and then got their awards. A lot of work to be over in 30 minutes. I guess it is times like those that will hopefully stick with them. I tried so hard to make in impact with the kids. There are some whose futures are going to be tough unless their paths are changed. Even at 3rd grade. It is great to see the little boy that is constantly in trouble in his classes get up and speak in front of an auditorium of people. Maybe that will make a difference. it's over. Paperwork, packing up, cleaning rooms, saying goodbye to other teachers is all that is left.
What to do this summer? Well, a lot of it is planned out for us already. I am looking forward to the different trips. Taking Matthew to Camp Electric is going to be cool. Well, off to bed. Take care, everybody.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Why I love my job

These pictures were taken during our last full week of school. I have a class of first grade girls that really like to draw on the board. Since this was the last week of school and I was letting different girls take turns on the keyboard, etc., I let them draw. When I saw what they were writing, my heart broke. So sweet.

Next year they will be big 2nd graders. How they change. My Claire is about to be a 3rd grader, Jacob a 5th grader, Benjamin in MIDDLE SCHOOL , and Matthew a SENIOR. I can't believe it. This time of year is always a little emotional. After our concert the other night the kids slowly drift off until none are coming to class for different reasons. Strange building up to our concert and then it is over so fast.

For the first two weeks of summer we are doing nothing. I mean no planned activities. After that it all starts, but for those two weeks, I am going to reclaim my house, etc. Just enjoy being together as a family. I wish I were going on a mission trip, but we just didn't work it out. We will have to make our summer one big mission trip.

Take care.
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thanks, Mom!

Here is my beautiful mother yesterday at her house in Jackson. We got to go see her for Mother's Day and she baked this awesome cake for my birthday today. We had a great time with them all. Mom, Chuck, the kids, Ron and Steve were all there.

The weather was horrible on our way home. We almost stayed in Jackson, but we prayed and drove on. Matt said the weather was better up north. It was a little better. We thanked God when we got home. The kids were pretty nervous about it.....then they fell asleep, which was good. I was glad to be back with my boys. The den was really clean because Matthew cleaned it up so he could have a lady friend over to watch a movie. I was thrilled until I went in my room and saw where everything in the den had gone. :/

Today I went to Tequilas after church with the Matt, the kids, Amber and Nathan. Matt surprised me with the hat and song from all of the nice folks at Tequillas, but sadly I missed out on the whipped cream in the face. (sarcasm)

I can't believe I am almost 40. wow!

Hope all you mothers have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!!
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lafayette's first guitar concert

Tonight I got to go to Matt's concert with his guitar students. They are in his middle school general music classes. He started teaching them guitar last year and built on it this year. They played different places Christmas, too.

I am so proud of him. He was surprised how many showed up for the concert. I think they were really proud of themselves. Sweet!

Have a good week.
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Thursday, April 30, 2009

So many feelings

I guess I am kind of a feely person anyway. I have so many going on right now. Praying about a situation, having an opportunity and by faith saying no. Then trying not to second guess your decision.

The end of school this year has been trying, but good. The uncertainty of our future is always interesting. God just wants us to trust Him one step at a time. He is so faithful!

Have a blessed night.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jacob's Birthday Party

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Jacob's 10th Birthday

We had a blast at J's party. He has been waiting for this for a long time. It was a good one. Lots of wild screaming children. (not really.) Just fun children. It is great to see your sweetie having a good time on his day.
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Long time, no blog

It is the Monday after Easter. Yesterday was great. The day that marks what sets Christianity apart from all other religions. Jesus not staying dead when He was crucified, but rising from the grave. Bro. Ken preached a great message about Joseph of Arimathea. About how he secretly followed Jesus, but not until Jesus died did he come forward to show it. (By asking for his body to bury.) There was much more to his message than that, but that is a small part of it. It is always so strange having a much larger crowd on Easter than the rest of the year. I want to smile and tell the visitors, in love, "See what you are missing?" Not us...not the people in church, but the fellowship with other believers and worshipping God with His church. I guess planting seeds is always part of the plan. Praise God that they come on Easter.

I start giving the Wida (English as a second language test). We are only testing 5 students, so hopefully it will go quickly. We are on the downhill slide. Yea!

I have a lot to do, but those things are the last of this year.

Have a great week!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

So many things going on....

A couple of months ago I wrote about waiting. Well, now I am in the weeds. (an old restaurant phrase:) ) The last two weeks have been very good, but very wild. February 24th my choir went to district festival and did great. They were so proud, and I was proud for and of them.

Matt went and worked with the choir in West Memphis that Wed. getting ready for revival which started Sunday before last. The day he took his choir to district festival in Hernando, I had my sick girl with me and went on our church bus to Madison to the Christian Performing Arts Festival. Nana and Chuck were so great to serve us. Matt left for West Memphis before I got back from Madison. The snow came and made it where I couldn't go to WM until Sunday afternoon. The revival was great. Everyday I drove back and forth to Potts Camp for revival that night. We were treated so well. Wonderful hotel room, being taken out to dinner each night. We definitely did not deserve the royal treatment we received, but we were so thankful for it. We got home from WM on Thursday and were so glad to see our babies. Mamaw was so wonderful to be with them while we were gone. She is the best.

This week has been pretty basic. We had a great women's conference Sat. and services yesterday. We are really looking forward to next week, Spring Break!! Not completely sure what we are doing, but sure it will be great.

Hope all is well with all of you. My prayer is that we will all listen and hear from God what He wants us to know.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Church was awesome today!

Church was great today. It is amazing when you can really feel that God is totally there in worship. Bro. Ken wrapped up the series on Fireproof, the movie, this week. God is so awesome. His love and mercy for us is unbelievable. I can't believe what He can really do in people's lives, but it is amazing to see when it is visible. I can't believe how much better my relationship with Matt is, with my kids, with God.

That was an incredible movie. Matt and I have never really been to the lawyer point, but we have felt like it. I don't know how our marriage would be now if we didn't have Jesus in the middle of it. It isn't always the most fun for me to think about what he needs at the I might want a back rub, but if he is tired or sick, or busy, then I wait. The selfish part of me wants what I want now. That is not how to have a good marriage. There is a better way. When God gets hold of your marriage, it can be awesome.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Good week

This has been a very full and good week. The girls are getting ready to go to district on Tuesday and then next weekend is totally full and crazy. It has been very trying at times with different issues, but God is so good. He has really given me a peace about how He is going to be with me through anything and everything. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Not much to say

I am not sure why I haven't had the desire to blog lately. I think I feel like I am saying the same things over and over again. School, family, etc.

I have been in kind of a thinking mode lately. Thinking about my job, life, the stimulus package, our world, our new administration, my students stealing from me, who I am in Christ. I guess I am just taking things in and rolling them over and over.

I have made one discover. Exercise makes me feel really good. I knew that, but it takes me being really disciplined to see the fruits of it. I love exercising, but I have to make myself do it.

I realized that it stinks when you try so hard to connect with your students and to build them up and they steal from you. I have been tested with loving my enemy and can I really pray for those who persecute me. I talk big about my spirituality, but can I back it up with an inner peace? This has been in the front of my mind.

I am praying about the upcoming revival where Matt will be leading worship. It is wild to pray about God showing up and wondering what He will do. There are many friends of mine who are in missions in places that I can't even imagine. I think about what God is going to do there. He already is doing so much. It is tough learning about the evil that surrounds our cities and towns. It is much easier to go through life with a "me" mindset. It reminds me of a (I thought strange at the time) guy who told me not to be a Christian because I was cute and had good hair. I didn't really get that then, when I was 19, but I think at 37 I finally get what he was saying.

Don't stay in your comfort zone. Don't try to keep your Christianity wrapped up in a neat package. I thought he was so weird, but there is some definite truth to what he said.

I guess I am boring whomever reads this with my deep thought mood. I am sure you can click on another page or turn off the internet altogether if you want.

I am asking God where He wants to take me. What sacrifice and discomfort do I need to experience? Will I love my student who stole from me when I turned my back?

God is so good. He is so worthy of our praise. He is in control everyday and of everything. I need to believe that prayer works and that His word does not return void.

Take care,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tithe Rap

Wow. This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. It makes me really proud to be Caucasian.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

School's out...poor, sad, children

Well, I am at home today. I have almost never wished for anything so hard. I know it was a selfish wish/prayer. (I think I didn't think this was worthy of a prayer this morning when I was hoping for it.) It just meant that I wanted to be a slug today no matter what.

I strained my neck and my blurry eyes to see our small TV screen in our room to see if my district would be closed today. Finally right before 6 AM it came across the screen. Marshall County Schools......closed today. "Yee Haw!" is what went through my mind....and "thank you, Lord."

I love my job. I really do. There is just something about staying in your pj's and being a slug sometimes that is very enticing.

I can almost see the faces of my students. I know they were overjoyed when they got the news that we were out today.

Well, I hope you all are having a blessed week.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The days of our life....s

OK...that was a reference to Waiting for Guffman. Did anyone recognize it? If you did, comment and whomever (are you impressed with my correct English grammar usage?) guesses it will be mailed a happy. (Hint: it happened when the mom was talking about her son being in a movie.) It is very obscure, so you will have to be very strange to get it.

Speaking of strange. This is such a strange time of year because so many things are coming up. This is like hibernation time. It is cold, so no fun in the yard, etc.

Several workshops and conferences are coming up in February, April and March, but not yet. My choir is getting ready for contest in Feb. and March. We are waiting on all of our W2's to finish our taxes. Weird time of year. I guess in a way it is good because we run so hard and so fast at the end of each year until Christmas and then it is time to coast a little. I need to enjoy the coasting. I am getting a little antsy, because I am really wanting to go on some mission trips, etc. soon. I want to be doing more. I don't want to say that I am bored, but I just feel like there is more yet to come. I miss singing with Matt like we have in the past, and we get to do that soon at a revival in March. I have read about others who are waiting for their adopted children to come home to them and now I guess I have waiting sympathy. Oh...not on that scale of importance, but I am also waiting for next Sunday for the Super Bowl.

God is so good. His mercies are new every morning, so I am going to start focusing on what new He has to show me today and everyday.

For now, though, it is Sunday afternoon and I am on my way to put on my new fuzzy pajama pants that I got for Christmas. They are incredible. The are like wearing a blanket. I am going to sleep. Sleep for maybe 2 hours. Crazy, I know.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mamaw, Mamaw, Mamaw

(These pictures are totally unrelated....I just like them.)

Wow. It is interesting how things work sometimes. God's timing is so perfect. We have the best example of a servant in front of us.

Mamaw, Matt's mom, retired January 2nd. She got a little time to visit with her sister and then I asked her to come and take the boys to the dentist today. I asked her to come because she has always had to work while my mom was already retired and loved getting (I guess she loved....she looked happy anyway. Hmmm....) to come and be with the kids at different times when we needed her. Mamaw always had to work. She worked really hard for so many years.

This past week her sweet daddy fell and broke his hip and has been in the hospital. Her mom isn't really able to do everything for him and gets tired easily, so Mamaw packed up and has gone there. I know she was really thankful to be able to be off to be able to help them, but I know she is tired. So giving. Please pray for them and for her taking care of them.

All of our elementary kids loaded up and went to our high school to watch a junior varsity game. They were so pumped. This gave me a little break from the norm. Monday we have off for Martin Luther King, Jr.'s b-day and then Tuesday we are watching the inauguration. Wednesday we will get back to real school.

Anyway, now for a random thought. It is my house. What is up with that? This is Mississippi. It is supposed to be one of the two coldest days this year. Tomorrow is the other one.

Another random comment: I wish my Bsafe filter didn't mess up Facebook. I have had fun seeing people I haven't seen in forever and talking with them. I can only do this if I uninstall the filter. Argg! I am going to have to figure out something different.

A serious comment: Focus on the Family has been great the past few days (like it is all the time...). I am processing the shows earlier this week that were about "Never Say Diet". I am in denial about my weight right now. Not really, I mean, I am enjoying doing Wii Fit when I have time to get on it. the eating issue is not even on the radar right now. It is so tough being disciplined enough to do it. This is true in many areas of my life. Discipline is tough. I am more of a comfort person. I guess that also means spoiled. Does it count if you know that is true? Maybe. Anyway, I am working on it (with God's help...that is the only way.)

Hope the rest of your weeks are great.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My eyes are heavy

I have been waiting for this night all week. I think we don't have anywhere we have to be tomorrow. Ahhhhhhh.....................
To get some sleep and then clean the house, and maybe even get on Wii Fit, will be great. I know it is going to fuss at me for not being able to get on it very much this week. I can't tell it that I had basketball duty this week and a million other things. I don't think the little computer brain will understand.
This has been a whirlwind week. Matt has started teaching guitar lessons again. He has been very blessed to get more students. This does mean, however, that he will be busier. It all manages to work out, though. I just got home after falling asleep outside the movie theater waiting for Matthew to get through with his movie. Exciting, huh? I am living a much different life than I did the first time I lived in Oxford almost 20 years ago. I was 18.
I love where I am in life now, though. I love seeing what God is doing in the lives of my husband, my kids and myself. Anyway.....this is beginning to be too deep for me right now. My bed and maybe Charlie Chan in Paris are calling me. I don't think I will see much of it before I sack out. Take care.....

Monday, January 5, 2009

My sweet husband taking care of the details

Matt was trying to understand why these candles didn't look like they were burning. He finally discussed it with the preachers. It bothered him.
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I am trying to figure out what these teenagers are doing......

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Nana and Chuck's wedding

Saturday was great. Mom was so happy, and it was great to see her that way. Chuck was pretty happy, too. I am really thankful that they found each other. Our family had a good time hanging out together at the wedding and then Uncle Ron took the kids to get a Wii game.

Like my friend Amber would say...."Good times....."

Take care and have a great week. Is it Friday yet? My body is not accustomed to waking up like it did this morning. Mercy!

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

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