Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas

hanksgiving holidays were great. I am over my whining about being sick. (although I still am.....wahhhh.) It was wonderful seeing everyone.
Ron, Steve and Nana on Wednesday, the whole gang on Thursday. I could go into the whole story about how the toilet flooded about 30 min. before our company came to Mom's house and how they came in with their babies while we shop-vacked (do you like my new verb?) all the water from the foyer. Mom and I were laughing deliriously by the time we prayed and were eating.

We won't forget that one. Here are some pics. Claire had fun going around photographing everyone.

Friday we headed up to Mashulaville to see Grandma and Grandpa. Mamaw and Chris were there, too. We watched the Egg Bowl. ( Sorry, Mamaw.) Then we just hung out and ate some really good soup. I hated that I had to leave early Sat. morning to get Matthew back to work the Ole Miss basketball game.

Now we are decorating for Christmas, just watched Elf and are now watching a Child's Christmas in Wales. It doesn't get much better. :)

Have a great week.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We take our health for granted so much

I am realizing how much we often take our health for granted. I have been "sick" since about two weeks ago. First, I thought it was just a chest cold or allergies. I just know I have had a fever and couldn't breathe. I think I am getting better, but I have gotten a little down about it because I have just felt a little puny. I have to stop and think about what it would really be like if I had a real illness or disease. How would I cope? I think about God only giving us what He thinks we can handle. What does this mean for me? Does He think I can't handle very much? I guess He knows me pretty well. Maybe we adapt when we have to. I guess I have more on my plate to handle now than when I was a lot younger.

I am feeling better today and I am grateful.

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We are traveling tonight to Mom's where I will see two of my brothers. Friday we are heading to Mashulaville to see Matt's grandparents. Should be great. We hate that it is so tough for us to get away to see all of them during the school year.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week. We have so much to be thankful for.

I decided to not be a real woman and leave the whole pumpkins alone and chose to use canned pumpkin instead for my pies. I am even going to do the no-bake thing where I use Cool-whip instead of baking a big cheesecake. I know..........I am a wimp. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

His grace still amazes me

Today has been a peaceful day. I had prayed a lot about some situations at work that I was in knots over and didn't exactly know how they would work out. God just seems to orchestrate things in a way that is so much better than we deserve. It is overwhelming to think that He really does hold us in His hands.

Here is a picture of the plate I made at Clay Canvas. Not sure if I have shown this or not. This kind of shows what stage our kids are in now.
This week the second graders are putting on a Thanksgiving musical. I love the musical. It has such great music and the kids are so excited about it. I love Thanksgiving. My husband has been accused of being the grinch (by my children) because he doesn't want us to watch Christmas movies before Thanksgiving. I totally understand and am with him. We can't jip Thanksgiving.

We have about 8 pumpkins on our porch that came from the pumpkin patch and sat through October. I am wondering if I am woman enough to make pies out of them. I feel like a real woman when I cook things from scratch. I love all things pumpkin. Last year I was into pumpkin cheesecake making. I did use canned pumpkin then, though. :)
I can't wait until next week. Sunday after we eat a Thanksgiving meal together at church we are heading to Jackson. I bought Matt and me Third Day tickets and I am so excited to be going with some of our good friends. Yea!!
On a different note: Turkeys come in tomorrow. Wow. Just call me delivery lady. Hope I can get everything where it all needs to go.
Have a very blessed week.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I needed this

I needed this tonight. This has been a long week. The Veteran's Day program on Monday was great even though the turn-out was small. They gave the kids a standing ovation. I know it did something for them.

I didn't want my school to have to get a sub and we are getting ready for more programs (a Thanksgiving one on Nov. 20th), so I went to school when I probably should have been at home some. Today, I finally went home after lunch. I know I am whining tonight. Sorry.

Matthew went with Lafayette to Pearl tonight to play the 2nd round play-offs. Lafayette won!!! Even though this may mean that I will be needed to work the concession stand, I am happy for them. I know they are excited on their way home right now.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My boyfriend's Back

Well, my mom has had a boy "friend" now for a few weeks. I guess that is how long. She didn't really tell me when they started "talking". He sounds like a great guy. My dad has been gone for about 10 1/2 years now and Mom has carried on by herself. Her perky, giving, self-sacrificing self. I hope this works out for them. It is great to see her so happy.

Wednesday was Matthew's birthday. He was 17. His guitar finally arrived today. Here is a little clip of him minutes after it arrived.

Amber and Matthew went to get tacos and then we had a short party after church. His real party will come later.

We are heading to Jackson tomorrow night. I am excited to be with Mom and then I am taking Matthew to visit MC in Clinton. He has always wanted to go there. I am not sure if it is because of certain people that are in Clinton or if he just feels really drawn to MC. It is a good school. We'll see.

Have a happy Friday tomorrow and a great weekend.

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