Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Parent Coach.....yeah! Just in time.......

Don't have time to blog now, but check out this link of a guy I heard on Focus on the Family. He is right up our alley. Can't wait to get his book!

The Parent's Coach

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Easy Like Saturday Night

Well, here we are again. It is Saturday night. Just had a good time talking to my 15 year old after all had had showers, read stories and were tucked in bed. Now Matt is playing the song that Shannon, he and I are going to sing tomorrow. It is a great song by Billy and Cindy Foote.
"You Are God Alone (not a god). It is such a privilege to sing with Shannon. She has such a beautiful voice and such a sweet heart. Her husband needs your prayers. He was told that he needed his gallbladder removed, went through with the surgery, still had the same pain, had kidney stones, then after going for tests, was told that there is something on his liver. He finds out Monday, I think, what it is. Can you imagine?

This week has been good. God is really showing me things. How I can trust Him and know that He is there all the time as I work out my salvation with fear and trembling. There are many things that I can't talk about on the Internet that show how He good He is. Working out work related issues, personal issues. He has shown me more and more that it is not about anything I could do for Him. He blesses me because He is just that good.

Monday we had a massive OCC rehearsal. Then after over two hours of that, I tried out for the solos on "Deep River" and "Shenandoah". Just for fun. There were some very awesome singers who tried out as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if they get it. It was fun to try out, though. Then, Matt's choir had their Fall concert Tuesday. The kids did so great. Kim's choir (the high school choir) was great. They always are. I am so amazed at how much music she teaches and that they master. Wow! Matt is trying to produce a CD of all of their music. I am not sure our computer will make it, though. When we upgrade....someday.....should we get a Mac or a PC? What do you think? My technology desires are huge right now. I need to put the reigns on them. Well, I guess our bank account will do a good job of keeping us in check. Maybe.......

Anyways, I am having a good time learning more about choral directing. My choir kids have started staying after school and working on songs, trying out for sextet, etc. They are getting more and more excited about what we are doing.

I am forgetting so much that has gone on this week. Jacob did a big Social Studies project that was great. He made a big Kroger. It was fun to help him with that. Mom and Ron were with us for Claire's party. May have mentioned that in the last blog...I can't remember.

As Happy Slip would say...."Anyways...."

Now we are trying to get ready for Matthew's 16th birthday. What should we do? He had big ideas. I would love to surprise him.

Oh, turkey fund raiser ends this week. One of my kids has been like super salesman. He seriously needs to go into sales when he graduates. Need some turkey and you live in Oxford, or somewhere close? Call us. Email us. They are yum.

Yesterday I discovered that we had been "BOOED". Someone had put a pumpkin full of candy with two letters in it. One had the word "BOO" on it with a little ghost, and the other told us that a neighborhood friend had booed us and now we were supposed to pass on the good cheer by booing three more people and to put the little ghost in our window so we wouldn't be booed again. Matt said it was a little like a chain letter. He would. :) He was also the one who went to Kroger and bought the pumpkins and candy. :) We couldn't be antisocial, could we? No. It was fun. I think I may start the gobbling next month. Gobble, gobble. Anyways....

Tomorrow is Sunday. Have a great day of worship. I feel sorry for those who think Sunday is just for going golfing, mowing their grass, washing their car, or skiing (not in this weather, but you know what I mean). Worshiping our Savior and friend meets a need deep down that can't be described. A long time ago, I was a person who kind of dreaded Sundays and wished I could have stayed home to do what I wanted to do. Now, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Was that preachy? Not meaning to be. That is just how it is for me. Try it....you never know :)

Take care.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Our week

This week seemed so short. Not sure why. Last night Matt and I helped out with the youth group's Overtime. The kids had a great time. Matthew and the band played for a while and we had a great testimony. It was from a guy that goes to our church. I had no idea what all God had done in his life.

Today was Claire's 7th birthday. Happy Birthday, Claire. Our good friends let us have her party at their farm. They led the kids around on their horses. It was great. The kids were really tired from the night before and got a little upset toward the end. This is another story all together. It is amazing how being tired affects children....and adults. All in all it was really good.

Ron and Matthew went to an Ole Miss game. Not really the best one to go to. Ole Miss lost big time. He did get to see the classiness of the Ole Miss fans, though. Sorry for the sarcasm. I think it is really sad to see that whole culture. Kind of warped in my opinion.

Anyway....there is so much more to say, but it is late.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Gobble, Gobble

Friday nights are so great! Nowhere to go tonight. The bubbles are calling me.

Our fund raiser actually starts Monday, but the kids took home their order forms today. I hope they will go after it. We are trying to go to Six Flags next April. This is my first big fund raiser like this one. So far everyone has acted interested in what we are selling. Food. :) Turkey, ham, bacon, pecan pie....all good southern food. Mmmmmmmm..............

This has been a really strange week. I was off Monday, had staff development on Tuesday and then classes for three days. Today Matt had staff development and the kids went with him. He tried to sweeten the deal by renting some good movies and taking lots of popcorn. He said his staff development was great. I will have to find out the guy's name to send to our district guy. I know our district teachers would love to hear him.

Monday Matt and the kids are off. Sunday Mamaw and Grandma are coming to see us. It will be the first time Grandma comes to our house. So...you know what we'll be doing tomorrow. Oh yeah. Grandma is so precious. It will be so good to see her. Matt and the kids will be able to hang out with them on Monday.

The Christmas musical that I toiled over picking has turned out to be really cute. "How the Penguins Saved Christmas" is the name of it. The kids are going to look so cute as penguins. Here is a link to another school that performed the musical. How the Penguins Saved Christmas

I think I have gotten OK with something. I was torn up because I wanted to go to Sunday School for my own age and wanted to find someone to teach my preschool Sunday school class. My good friend Martha actually came up and offered to teach it. I had prayed about this, but when it happened and right when the kids had started really warming up to me as their teacher, I had second thoughts. I am thankful now for it. I feel like I have gotten a tangible answer to my prayers.

OK, I have unloaded...now for the bubbles. :)


Monday, October 8, 2007

Illustration Friday - Open

Illustration Friday - Open
Originally uploaded by Theodesign
This was emailed to me through Flickr this morning. I just love this person's work. I know she has a website you should check out. I will try to find it.

Anyway, I am at home this morning. My family is rushing out the door to school. Today is Fall Break for me, and next week will be for them.
I will miss them next week, but today is sweet.

I am going to not make my expectations too big for today. I am going to try to choose things that I can realistically get done. I read about making your room a room of peace and not of storage, etc. That may be one goal today. Sweeping out the garage, getting it ready to stain the concrete like my friend Angie's. (She has the best ideas). Possibly conquering the clothes. Practice for Oxford Civic Chorus tonight. This may be all.

I will start pre-selling for our fund raiser this week. We officially start next Monday. We will sell for two weeks. If you are local or close enough to pick up, we would appreciate your support. This week I find out if our trip to Six Flags is approved. Please pray for us that if this is God's will that we could go. I think it would be so good for the kids.

We will be selling smoked turkeys, Cajun turkeys, and may other kinds of meats. Please check out this website to see what other things we will be selling. http:www.turkeysplus.com .

We bought a Cajun turkey last year for Thanksgiving and it was incredible. I am so glad we are selling them.

We had some missionaries from the Philippines come to our church last night. They were so on fire for God and inspired me so very much. They are going around America raising support for their mission there. It is so humbling when I think of what we have here in America. Our country is about as lost as theirs. It seems that we don't know how sick we are. We have more than one car. Homes that aren't made out of bamboo, enough food. More than enough food. (I will stop there. )

We have it made physically, but we are wasting away spiritually. We have no idea how much we need God in America. America has basically kicked God out and He is not going to push His way in. We have kicked Him out of our public schools. He is giving us what we want as a country. We were so blessed by God from the beginning and look around and see where we are going. I can't even believe what I hear on the news. It all makes me so sick to my stomach. My heart breaks for our country.

God is in control, though. I guess all we can do is grow closer to Him, to try to love and reach as many here as we can, as well as stay strong in our faith. Listening to messages like this help me do that: Creflo Dollar on the Childhood Stage.

I couldn't believe it when I was told that many in the Philippines go through what Jesus went through (even to the point of being crucified) to be more like Him and to hopefully to be with Him in heaven. If they only knew that His eternal life is a gift, already bought by His son Jesus. All we have to do is accept it.

Am I living for Him?

Have a great week!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


It is so amazing how many emotions we humans can feel and how many different situations we can be a part of. I like the scene in Parenthood where the grandma talks about liking the roller coaster as opposed to the merry-go-round. She liked the ups and downs. I guess I do. I sure like the ups. :) But I know we are supposed to be thankful for the middles and the downs, too. Compared to so many, I can't even say that I have downs, but in my world, they seem real sometimes.

Our choir (Potts Camp High School) sang last night at the jr. high beauty pageant. It was the first time for some of them. I was proud of them, but I see their potential and am not going to be satisfied with where they are now. I am going to have to push them harder. Everyone who knows me knows that this is the challenge of my life. For me to be tough is like asking a big-time football coach to be soft and tender. I have been compared to the equivalent of a grandma, Pillsbury Dough Lady, anything else that is soft and cuddly. This is good for mothering, but not so good when you are striving for excellence. At least I haven't found the happy medium yet.

Matthew is frustrated with the freshmen in his band. It is ironic that my choir is the same with our freshmen here. I am having to kind of take up for them so they will not totally convict them and discourage them. They do need a wake up (they are not the only ones) but they are a part of us and I don't want them feeling totally unwanted in our choir. Anyway, enough about that.

This week what Creflo Dollar has been preaching on has really hit home. He has been talking about growing as a Christian. I think sometimes I think I am further along than I really am. I hear him after Joyce Meyer. It was good teaching. He is going to be in Memphis next weekend. May have to go.

We started drama Sunday night and it was great. One of our kids there was so psyched about it. There is one area going really well. :)

Yesterday was Mamaw's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mamaw. Claire is talking about hers coming up later this month. She only wants to take a limo ride to Build-a-Bear Workshop and I forgot what else. There was something else, though. :) We'll have to do a little planning on that.

This weekend is Matthew's band contest in Grenada. I am excited about taking the family down for that. We are going to see some old friends who have moved there, too. Should be fun! Then, Monday is Fall Break. Oh yeah!

Happy Wednesday!

Here is another thought:

John 14:27 (Amplified Bible)

Amplified Bible (AMP)

Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

27Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]

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