Saturday, September 29, 2007

Easy Like Saturday Morning

Update at 3:24 PM: I just found this article. Coincidence? I think no. Thank you, Lord. It is called "Keeping Close to Christ When I am Busy".

This has been a good week. I don't really feel like I have been to school. One day I woke up in flu land and then the next day I went to a music workshop. It was really good and gave me new ideas.

Something has been on my mind lately. Why are we so busy? I think of people everyday that need ministering to and I just think about what I have to do, and think how does it all fit in? How do I even take the time to find out what is going on in someone else's life when I am so busy with what is going on in my own life? This is something I want to find the answer to. It seems like all I see are deadlines. This is due now, this is due two weeks this is going to happen. I feel like I am in a wheel.

I guess it it something that you just have to expect in today's world. Life is fast. The thing that makes me think it is out of whack is that I struggle with how much time I get to spend with God. Not talking about just talking to Him throughout the day, but the good sit down study time. I guess I just need to make more choices about what I do. I think finding the balance is what I am needing.

Anyway, I know lots of people manage to do both so I will keep searching.

Jacob wants to go to Boy Scouts this morning. This would be so great for him. OK, here comes the this the one new thing we need to add to our lives? Maybe. Especially something like this that he is so excited about. Well, now they are saying that Benjamin doesn't want to so Jacob doesn't want to.

This makes me think of my dad. Jacob is so much like him. Not wanting to offend anyone. He puts everyone before himself. Our little neighbor was outside with Jacob just pitching to him over and over with Jacob never getting to hit. Matt and I had to step in and help our little guy out. It seems that the neighbor always starts the game and Jacob is supposed to get him out before he has a turn. Problem: the neighbor is incredibly good at hitting a ball. I mean, it is like a home-run every time. Although I am impressed with his ability, I don't want my sweet son to be a pitching machine. If he wanted to, that would be one thing, but not just because he wants to do what the other boy says. Or is just doesn't want conflict. That was so my dad. I miss him.

Saturday mornings are so great. It is cool outside and wonderful. We are going to have to just go somewhere. No matter what needs to be done in the house. Just go......

The grove? Avent Park? The lake....Benjamin did just get a new fishing pole for his birthday. Hmmmmm. I think we just need to re-learn what relaxing is.

That is when you can hear God's voice.....when you slow down and listen.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A quick blast from our past

Here is a little video I put on YouTube yesterday when I was home with a virus. I won't bore you with any more about that. These were good times when the kids were little-bitty and Matthew was in 6th grade. Matt always has lots of wisdom to share with us. :) There are some of us from Mamaw's Christmas party a few years ago, as well. They are a little rough, but if you are in the Christmas spirit early, there you go. We were refining our performance presence here. I think I was still a little shy then. I was going for the unplugged style where you sit in one place and barely move. Oh well, enjoy.

Today I am going to a workshop here in Oxford so I better get moving.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm Na-cho Lady

If I never see this sight again, I will be OK. :)
To my husband, I am now "Nacho Lady". He always says that there is some sweet unsuspecting person who gets stuck with nacho preparing in the concession stand. A person who just wants to help, and without knowing what being nacho person entails, jumps in and starts preparing them. Well, last night that person was me.

Matt and I worked the concession stand at the Oxford-Lafayette football game last night. I knew it was going to be super busy. I had no idea. After a little while I noticed that people were being recruited to come into the stand and help. I just saw chips fly past me and cheese plop into the thin plastic container. Some with peppers, some without. My pastor was one person that was brought from the visitors side concessions to help us. I was kind of his runner/ Nacho Lady. It was particularly funny when later we laughed about him asking someone if they wanted peppers with something else that they ordered...not nachos. :)

I am just thankful that I didn't pass out. I am not in the best of shape and forgot to get water and something to eat before we got slammed. I didn't stop moving for another 4 hours. At one point I was kind of leaning on the counter. Shhhh, don't tell anyone. I was trying to be tough. Matt kept me going, though. I would hear..."You are doing a fine job back here", or "You're pretty." It made me smile.

My mom was so sweet to bring our kids to this huge game because they wanted to go. She had to walk forever to get a parking place and then they couldn't find a seat. She is such a trooper. No sacrifice is too much for her grand kids. I hope they know how great they have got it.

I know most of the time I am talking about something really superficial on this blog. I guess it is because to get into all the deep things that go on in life, the trials, etc. would just take way too long. Life is pretty busy right now.

We ended up having a good revival week. The speaker had such a testimony. I felt for him the whole week because he was very sick. I understand why my pastor respects him so much.

One major highlight for me was the youth leading worship for us all Wednesday night. It was so great. Jontyler, Jay and Matthew really lead us into God's presence. There were so many people in our community who hadn't been back to church in so long who were there this week. I pray that through relationships and prayer that they come back to Him. I can't imagine what life would be like without the support of other believers. More importantly, without the Lord. This has been a tough week at school and I have needed His strength so much. He is so incredibly good. There is so much about Him to get to know. Not one layer, but a million.

Matthew broke up with his girlfriend. I was not too proud of how I handled my emotions regarding the whole "girlfriend" thing. It is so tough letting him grow up. I hate that I am so controlling sometimes. I do need to give him over to God. I know He is much more capable of taking care of Matthew than I am. He made him, for crying out loud.

On another note, I am excited about Monday night. We are going to the Oxford Civic Chorus again after missing for revival. Matt and I were blessed to be chosen to be in the ensemble which will be much fun. I am singing second soprano now which makes me a little nervous because it is so new to me. I have sung alto forever. Also, there are only 4 of us second sopranos, so if I hit a really bad note, it will really stick out. Maybe that won't happen. We re scheduled to go to Birmingham the same day that I am planning on taking my high school choir to Six Flags for a festival. Bummer.

I never thought I would get to sing like this again. Singing with the Ole Miss Concert Singers was a highlight of my life. We got to go and compete in France and Italy two years that I was there. I got to sing in the Vatican, and do things I never thought I would ever do. I am excited that my kids can see what we did and maybe go on some trips with this group. My Jacob has a great boy soprano voice. I wish I could get him to be in a boys' choir, but I don't think it would be "cool" for him as a third grader. Not in our society, anyway. Meanwhile, my oldest just wants to scream. :) To him, that is good singing. To each his own, I guess. :) See, I am trying to be fun.

I hope you all have a blessed week.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Big Day

Well, Saturday night was our big prayer meeting before the revival services today. It was a time when we got by ourselves and asked God to show us where we had sin in our lives. The pastor that is preaching this week gave us a questionnaire that had different areas for us to look at. It was tough to look at myself so closely, but I know if I want to get closer to God I need to get totally clean. Ouch.
Today was good. I am not sure what real revival looks like, but I believe it happens when people get a burden for their world and touch one life at a time by building relationships. I am excited about the things that are happening at our church. I know that there are areas where I could be much more dedicated.
It is great to have all my people home. Thanks, Mamaw, for taking them to the zoo and taking such good care of them. It was good to be with our Jr. Matthew for a weekend. He is going to be flying the nest in a few years and this time is special. I am going to try very hard to be more fun with him and not so old. I feel so much older every time he shares opinions that are not mine. I can see where the name "The Gap" came from, even though in a way I feel like I am in his same generation. Well, have a good week. God bless you guys!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

It ain't easy being a teenager and having freak parents

I feel for Matthew. His friends went to see Halloween last night, even though most of them weren't 17. Matthew almost started to ask, but knew what the answer would be. He tried to get some friends and his girlfriend to come over and watch a movie, but they had already left for the movie, and his other good friend was taking his girlfriend out to eat.

He ended up eating out with his mother. Poor thing :) . I hate that there are so many things in this world that we have to protect our kids from. I know it is a pain for him. I guess he will be thankful later that we cared. He really is a good guy. I remember a girl in high school when I lived in Clinton whose mom wouldn't let her go to a cheer leading party we were having, but instead took her shopping. Today, Matt is buying Matthew some new shoes. :)

We ended up watching the YWAM DVD of the dramas we are going to learn at church. The people in the DVD do them a little differently than the Clinton youth group did. I loved the way the Clinton group did them. They had that southern style. :)

Anyway, the dramas are so powerful. I am excited about the impact they are going to have and pray that God will use them for His glory. I cry almost every time I see them because of what Jesus has done in my life. One of the dramas is called the King of Hearts and one is the Redeemer. We start on September 30th with the kids. We'll see what doors open up for us share the dramas. That is one of the fun parts....the other is seeing the kids get moved by being used by God in such a real way.

The kids are with Mamaw this weekend, I'm sure having a great time. I feel better now since my shot/ medicine, and am trying take advantage of being inspired by a certain organized family at our church whose house I went to the other night. I am on a cleaning/organizing spree. My head is spinning a little from the clorox/ scrubbing bubble fumes (that is why I am taking a blog break), but I am getting a lot done. My friend is now a personal assistant/ planner for a doctor in town. I would love for her to help me organize my life. :)

Well, times a wastin'. I better hurry up and clean those bathrooms and get out of my bleached/ ripped clothes. They must be bad when your husband says that maybe we could swing back a little toward Donna Reed. You know how you just have those clothes that get you into the cleaning mood? Well, I better go put on my skirt and high heels. Take care, and God bless you.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down

I am so glad I took Claire with me to the doctor today. She ended up getting medicine and the doctor said we may need to get a chest x-ray. He did say that he didn't jump to that first because he knew that we had not met our deductible yet. (Thank you.)

I am glad that I found a good doctor in Oxford. A person from our church works there, too. She saw how much I weigh and didn't even laugh when I said I was going to break her scale. She is in my inner circle now.

I got a shot, which Claire could not stand to watch, and now I expect to be getting all better. Singing has been painful for over a week. I have got to quit abusing my voice.

Anyway....I know that is boring. So much has happened this week, most good, some not so good. This morning Benjamin came in and we discovered that he was quietly crying. Walden, his new little beta had passed on. Jacob was shocked to learn that some fish float to the bottom instead of the top of the tank.

I think everyone feels so much for Benjamin because we know how much he loves his little things. He picked the smallest fish in the store. I am thinking Charlotte's Web all over again. That is just who he is. Loves those underdogs. Matt says that he was just like that. I believe it. He is so sentimental sometimes.

Tomorrow night we have a night off of thinking about football games. The band isn't going with the football team. Matthew wants to go on a date to the movies. I think we may let him with us there, too. I mean he is 15. He is OK with that. We will have to be good, though, and not embarrass him. I wish there was something decent on. Mr. Bean isn't on in Oxford. There are only movies with lots of bad language and sex. What do you do? A few weeks ago, he and his friends went to Applebee's because of this.
I feel like we are caving in now just so he can go. We should drive to Collierville to see Mr. Bean. I wish we had a bus.

Revival starts Sunday at church. I am excited to see what God is going to do, although He doesn't need a revival service to do anything. Sometimes I think it is just the occasion that gets new people to church that haven't been before. Anyway, I have heard that the preacher is great. The Save-a-Life banquet is tonight at First Baptist Oxford. I am not sure if I am going or not. I feel so run-down. Matthew is serving and has to dress up. :)

Well, better go give Claire her medicine. She sounds like a seal. My shot is making me sleepy and Candy Land is calling me. Claire has been setting it up as I have been typing. Take care, and have a great rest of the week.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Under the black lights of the skating rink

We had a good time today at Benny's party. The way the Skate Place put the party together was so easy on us. The only problem was that we chose something that most of the kids had never done, or had done very little. Skating was new to almost everyone. There was much frustration until after the pizza came....then it seemed like everyone was much better and wanted to skate some more.

Everyone left with some sort of bruise or blister, but it didn't seem to taint their opinion of the party.

Now Benjamin's 3 week birthday is almost officially over. (We still have to go spend is birthday money.) :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

It's Friday Night

Here is the link to one of the Family Life Today articles that you see in the sidebar of this blog. It really hit home. It is about things that can crush your relationship with your child. Often things that you do to your firstborn. I have to confess that I am so often to blame for this. It is worth reading. Protecting Your Relationship with Your Child.

Here is another video I found on YouTube. I am officially a YouTube nerd. I have another treasure of Matthew being great on YouTube. Check it out. It is called Go Matt and Laurie Jones.

Today was great. I got to go to Northwest Community College for their honor choir. I officially went as Matt's colleague because she was sick and stayed home. I was going to go anyway for a professional day. I knew I would learn a lot, but I didn't realize how much I would get out of it. I learned so much by talking to the other choral directors that were there. I am excited about taking my kids to see some of these choirs. I learned about warming up with Tai Bo (sp) , etc. My choir isn't going to know what to think. :)

Tomorrow is Benjamin's party. Finally. We had to cancel the one we planned earlier because the computer planned the party for December 12, 1969. By the time we caught the mistake there were no good movies on.

I am looking forward to fall so much. It is getting a little bit cooler. The place where the pool was this summer is looking like a great place to put a flower/ fall veggie bed. I will keep my eye out for some materials to make a border for it. I would love to find some salvaged wood or stones. I am trying to get creative. We are trying to get totally into Dave Ramsey (Financial Peace) so spending more money on planting things is a luxury at this point.

Monday is Grandparent's Day. Happy Early Grandparent's Day, Mom and Mamaw and G'ma and G'pa and GG......and......
The kids at Mary Reid are putting on a program. I am a tad anxious that some of it will come together. Even when I plan, I just don't always know how it is going to all turn out. I think grandparents usually think whatever their little cuties do is cute, though. That is a good thing.

Matt has gone to the football game tonight to work in the concession stand. I guess it will be my turn next time. :) It was kind of a last minute thing.

Well, it always seems that there is so much going on. I want to slow down and think about what is important. God is so good. He gives me strength and guides me in every step. I feel so privileged to get to go to my job and to do what I am doing. I feel a big responsibility to the kids I teach. I want to be something that is stable for them. I want to show them God's love. So many of them come from homes where they don't get the love they need. It is a blessing to do that.

Our church is getting ready for revival and I am trying to check where my heart is. So many times I just feel like I would like to have very little expected of me. Thinking that God may ask me to deny myself or to get out of my comfort zone really shows me how much I often like my comfort too much. I think about the people who have been persecuted for their faith. I think about the people I pass on my way home, in a hurry, who may or may not know Jesus. What does He want for me? He is so worthy of my service. Just thought I would share a few of my thoughts.

God is so good.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Oxford Civic Chorus

Here is another video of ours on YouTube. It is almost non-watchable due to the videographer. He was experimenting with earthquake style videoing. We make him watch it daily to never forget. Just kidding.

He did watch the kids tonight for Matt and me to go to chorus practice. It was a lot of fun. I tried to step up to second soprano, but after singing to be placed in the ensemble, I think I am going to be put at first alto. I know I will love whatever we sing. It was so great also to see Doc and Mrs. J conduct/ warm us up, etc. I am getting a masters degree education for free (well almost free). Another teacher is bringing her kids from school to be in the chorus. I would love to bring some of mine, but it is probably too far away for them to drive.

Anyway, I think it is neat how we left Oxford, but are back now. I love this little eclectic town. Small enough, but large enough. Like I told Matthew as we passed William Faulkner's parents' home on S. Lamar, "This town is just steeped in history." :) I said it in a goofy way, though.

Matt is playing Jazz on his guitar now. I would love to video him and put it on YouTube. :) I know there is a lot of horrible depravity on YouTube, but there is so much that is great. I found several of the youth dramas we will be doing soon, as well as Third Day videos, etc. (I am not going to approach copyright laws that are probably being totally broken...) I just think to myself ...they probably have paid for a public performance of this. Yeah.

Anyway, I would love it if all of our songs and videos were passed around. That would mean that people were listening/watching. That would be good.

Have a happy Tuesday.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Never a dull moment

This week has been wild. I don't know what to think about it because I know that I would love for our family to slow down, but on the other hand, I have no idea how.

Monday night was open house. I finally got permission to talk about an emergency we had at home. Matt was upstairs checking out our air-conditioner with a friend when his foot slipped and he went through the ceiling. He didn't fall to the floor, thank goodness. We were so thankful that he didn't get hurt.

Anyway, I have been trying to stay up and realize that so many are far sicker than I have been this past week. It is almost gone, but for some reason, I feel dizzy. I guess it has to do with my sinuses.

Our moms came up Friday. It was so good to see them. We got up Saturday and went shopping for Benjamin's birthday presents. He got some birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa and was dying to spend it. We went to Square Books Jr. and Treehouse Toys. Then we went to Wal-mart where he bought two Betas. He loves nature and all living creatures so this was such a special treat for him.

Mom and Mamaw took three younger kids back to Jackson yesterday afternoon to spend some more time together. We'll meet Mamaw tomorrow to get them. Then back to school on Tuesday. Matthew and helped lead worship with his youth group at church today. It was great. I can't wait until they feel more comfortable and do a lot more often.

I have been spending probably too much time putting some of our videos online. I totally forgot about some of these. Some are huge files, but I wanted to put them on anyway.

Tuesday night we go to practice with the Oxford Civic Chorus. I hope I will be able to sing by then. It is getting on my nerves a little now. If I could only keep my mouth shut for a day, it might get better. It is almost bed time, so I can rest it now.

Tomorrow is Labor Day. Praise the Lord....not just for Labor Day, but I am thankful for it just the same.

hollysprings baseball 2006

YouTube Videos